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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

RE: Eider, Raking Up Leaves

From: Will Nerini <>
Date: Sat 04 Oct 1997 - 00:27:04 PDT

Eb wrote:
> Does someone have the lyrics for Max Eider's "Rosemary" and "Raking Up
> Leaves?" I was asked to provide the chords for these songs, and that
> shouldn't take me longer than 10 minutes -- provided I don't have to
> transcribe the lyrics too....
> Eb

[  Here's the lyrics to Raking Up The Leaves
[ Not too sure about the "makes a better job"
[ line, but the rest should be accurate.

Max Eider : Raking Up Leaves (Max Eider)

Its not right, it's wrong
It's hard to say much in a song that goes Ahhhh...Ahhh.

But Jesus, look around you
They're always saying that, "I've found you". Jesus, Friend of The poor, What do you take me for? No Harm, No More. No Harm, No More.

I turn on, it's everything
Animals die, and I just sing.

But Look at me, Cant see the wood for the trees. I'm only playing and raking up the leaves. My friend sam makes better job Sweeping the floor. But I can't do more. No harm, No More.  

Another year, wait and see what it brings. You make damn sure you're not pulling the strings. And as the Year goes on your heart distends. You do what you can to keep your friends, to make amends

I turn on, it's everything
I die and die, and I just Sing

But Look at me, Cant see the wood for the trees. God knows, I'm only raking up the leaves. My friend sam makes better job Sweeping the floor. What do you do more. No harm, No More.
No Harm, No More, No Harm, No More. Received on Sat Oct 4 00:27:04 1997