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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1997

Re: Eider - Rosemary

From: Will Nerini <>
Date: Sat 04 Oct 1997 - 00:24:39 PDT

Eb wrote:
> Does someone have the lyrics for Max Eider's "Rosemary" and "Raking Up
> Leaves?" I was asked to provide the chords for these songs, and that
> shouldn't take me longer than 10 minutes -- provided I don't have to
> transcribe the lyrics too....
> Eb

[ A sweet tune about an object d'art. lyrics mostly right, bad [ arrangement. -

Max Eider : Rosemary

You... look so comfortable leaning there It's clear you have a supple healthy spine And your face, A hundred years have hardly left a trace I can't believe what 28 have done to mine


I pick you up, I wrap you up, I take you to my home I stand you in the corner by the bed (oh no!) Please dont fade, I'd rather you color deepen just a shade As you imagine all the years that lie ahead.


It's in fine condition, It'll sit on the bedside shelf Whatcha thinking, gonna charge an admission? You know yourself so well,
You think you know yourself so well?

Staring with your fixed expression since 19th century But somehow I imagined, I could make you smile at me. But you never see me, you look right through me, I don't know where to start,

I'll take you to the basement, 
I'll pull your frame apart, 
I'll hang you in the dark

Rosemary Received on Sat Oct 4 00:24:39 1997