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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Re: Longest sulk ever

From: Ed Carter <>
Date: Tue 06 Feb 1996 - 03:35:25 PST

>straight from Girls who Keep Goldfish into Sweet Jane

Oh yes! I forgot that! I can remember it now, though. Just goes to show how half-cocked I was. Or was I? I can't remember. I do remember going backstage and getting mildly obsessed with this sort of Pat/Jesus thing: "Touch his robes! You will be healed!". Behaviour which, just possibly, I regret.

That opening song was indeed "We're gonna have a real good time together". I had the worst time placing it ("I've heard this. What is it?"), but you're right. I should really listen to more VU before posting to this list again.

>Is Pat settled on the name Audio Aquatic, by the way?

very much so.


Pat sez that actually AA sound quite, well, normal. Threats of solo electronic doodling were much over-played. DT Henderson, Alex Lee and sundry other conspirators make appearances in the material recorded so far. In fact, we are even promised maximilian eider doing some twiddly guitar bits.


Ed Carter, Dept.Public Health, University of Glasgow.

   "I saw a nation in decay, but also a solution."

      ( (+44 141 330 4041) Received on Tue Feb 6 12:40:52 1996