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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Longest sulk ever

From: Michael H. Whitworth <>
Date: Tue 06 Feb 1996 - 01:19:49 PST

Yeah, I'm still here too - I'd have put in a Last Gig Ever report but Ed beat me to it. They were brilliant, though the sound, erm, wasn't the best they've ever had. Play American Family inside an old tin box and you'll get an idea. Alex Lee, the Ryan Giggs of Rock, was absolutely storming. Pete Crouch wasn't quite dressed for the occasion but strummed his stuff superlatively. Your previous correspondent must have crept off to the bar / toilet towards the end of the Eider / Pat set, as they went straight from Girls who Keep Goldfish into Sweet Jane, much as on Gift of Music. The opening song for the JBC proper was another Velvets number (I think), We're Gonna Have A Real Good Time Together (off the Another VU album, isn't it?). Dooj was sporting an extraordinary dayglo leopard skin hairdo, and a good time was had by all.

Is Pat settled on the name Audio Aquatic, by the way? Not much of an improvement on the last one, in my honest . . .

All the best, Michael. Received on Tue Feb 6 10:51:30 1996