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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1996

Re: Love Bus

From: E.B. <>
Date: Fri 23 Aug 1996 - 01:28:31 PDT

>On Sun, 18 Aug 1996 wrote:
>> And why do some people think that CULT OF THE BASEMENT is the best of
>> the JB(C)? I've listened to it enough times to find it, well...tedious.
>perhaps 'cause the aeroplanes backed up Fish so well...though I have to
>say that as of late, Waiting For The Lovebus is my fave (With the Canadian
>version of the Spooky EP taking a close second--it includes an all CA
>version of Sex Engine.)

Jeez, I think Waiting For The Lovebus is probably the worst thing Mr. Fish ever did, though Condition Blue is pretty underwhelming also. Lovebus seems like the nadir of Pat's self-destructive Spacemen 3 adulation....

I don't adore Cult Of The Basement, but I do like it much better than Lovebus or Condition Blue. I still gotta go with A Scandal In Bohemia for the #1 position, assuming Bloody Nonsense is ineligible because it's a compilation.

Fresh back from seeing the Sex Pistols,
GB Received on Fri Aug 23 01:28:31 1996