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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 10:19:33 -0500 (EST)
From: Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]>
Subject: Shirts

I'm embarrassed to say that I can't find the list of people who were
interested in the last of the JBC shirts that I made. I do have
two of them left, both in white, one XL, one XXL. Let me know if
you're interested. The design is accessible on my home page,
through a link on the list's Web page. I think I've still got
my prices somewhere (at cost, for those of you who weren't around when
this all started up).

I kind of wish I could make a t-shirt with the album names on the back,
now, when we know that there will only be 10. But I'm afraid that this
might start looking suspect (Pat: "this guy wants to make MORE
shirts? This is too much."). I don't know if many people would be
interested anyhow. (I suppose if you are, you could mention it and I
could make a tentative list. *shrug*) Maybe someone could ask Pat at
the last show about making a commemorative final T-shirt? I guess we
might be the easiest group of fans to contact; otherwise, I don't know
why Pat or someone at Creation hasn't been involved with JB merchandise
all along.

Well, we have been illuminated, we'll see what happens next...


PS David Cake, please contact me? I can't find your email address.

* Christopher Camfield ccamfield[at]
* 1996 BMath Joint CS/C&O [1998 BA Classical Studies]
* WeMakeAPieceOfArt AndWePutItOnTheWall SecurityGuardsCantGuardIt
* Mandala