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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 14:43:11 -0700
From: theron[at] (Theron Trowbridge)
Subject: Jazz Butcher Conspiracy Mailing List Request

Please suscribe me to the JBC mailing list.


* +-------+-------+
* ! $2,$2 ! $0,$3 ! What to do, what to do...
* +-------+-------+
* ! $3,$0 ! $1,$1 !
* +-------+-------+

* LEGO: MOC+++ SP+++ TC++ AQ+ #++ S+++ LS++ H!? A+ YB69m

* Philips Media Games Black Mariah
* theron[at] (last I heard)
* ^