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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 20:35:01 -0500 (EST)
From: TRACY PALMA <PALM1624[at]>
Subject: Creation Sampler

Date sent: 13-OCT-1995 20:24:24

A while ago, I found a cd at the campus radio station called The Patron
Saints Of Teenage. I picked it up for review (we always review our cds
before playing them :), and when I looked on the back, noticed that it was
a sampler from everybody's favorite record label, Creation. And yes, there
is indeed a Jazz Butcher song on it (which I was very excited to see, I
must say). Anyway, in the booklet it says the song (Everybody's Talking)
isn't included on the US version of Waiting For The Love Bus. Since I don't
have that album, I was wondering if this is really true, and if so, how
come? Guess I'll just have to tape a copy of if for myself before I give it
back to the station! Oh, I also brought it home last weekend and played the
song for my dad (Everybody's Talking is one of his favorite songs). I think
he liked Pat's version (yay!). I then proceeded to play Sex And Travel, and
although he didn't say anything, I don't think he minded it much (which is
good, considering my dad is always saying how he doesn't like Alternative
music--he's an Adult Rock [or literock] person {ie Celine Dion, Bonnie
Raitt, Dennis DeYoung, Michael Bolton--never forgive him for buying _that_
cd} ). Even my sister (who listens to basically the same stuff my dad does-
-and she's only 17) asked me what I was playing. I know they're not sold,
but at least they showed interest!

* --Tracy

"I don't bargain with mortals; I destroy them!"
* --Basil Rathbone