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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 01:20:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Matthew Fogel <mfogel[at]>
Subject: your mail

On Sun, 24 Sep 1995, Chris Camfield wrote:

> Well, I would agree that for the most part that Pat's music has grown
> up with him... I mean take a look at the songs on Waiting For The Love
> Bus! But then there's Illuminate. Hmm :)
> I think which version of the Conspiracy is the best may be a different
> question, since there seem to be quite a few people who like the old
> stuff best. Best... best... well, I myself would say the stuff on the
> past two albums. Quite a bit of silly stuff, but also some more
> mature songs, and the music seems to get better and better. I think Pat
> is developing a talent for writing music that, for lack of a better word,
> is beautiful - Rosemary Davis and A Great Visitation of Elephants, for
> example...
And even so, even his "silly" songs in the past few albums haven't been
all that silly. Well, Bicycle Kid was silly but President Chang is pure
satire...mind you, I still haven't heard Illuminate...grrr.

: That Which Is MATT "The silence roared displeasure:looking down :
: He saw the shadow of an Average Man :
: Attempting the exceptional, and ran."--W.H. Auden :
: MATTHEW M.J. FOGEL (mfogel[at] :
: (mf94br[at] :

"...And I don't believe that I ever wanna come down..." -- JBC