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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 15:44:22 +0200
From: ecouble[at] (Frederic Bouilhaguet)
Subject: JazzButcherConspiracy News

High !!
I would like to know if the JBC has any international projects... In France
for instance ?
Would it be possible to send mails to the BMX Bandits fro Creation to let
them informed of the possible gigs in France I'm looking for now? It would
be probably for October.
Anyway, I hope to hear from Pat, Douj, Curtis, Nick, Alex, Peter and Kathie.


Frederic Bouilhaguet (ecouble[at]
MdEo Paris - Tel: (33) 16 1 47 28 72 14
* Fax: (33) 16 1 45 06 29 15

Frederic Bouilhaguet (ecouble[at]
MdEo Paris - Tel: (33) 16 1 47 28 72 14
* Fax: (33) 16 1 45 06 29 15