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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 28 Jun 1995 14:38:04 GMT
From: brousse[at] (Thierry BROUSSE)
Subject: Illuminate

Hello guys,

i am just trying to connect to your www adress but it failed. Let me please
know if there are special period to get connected.
anyway, I just want to thank you for your last record, my favourite since
cult of the basement and fishcotheque and... OK, i have no favorite, there
are all the same good stuff which fill my ears and brain of delight.
As a french fan (sorry...) it is really hard for me to get the whole words
of the songs in your LPs. Is there a way to get the words or must i ask my
american colleagues to spend hours listening and writting... Don't be so
cruels and send me at least the words from the ugliest song of the word (the
little i understand make me think as a really good one...).
When will it be possible to see you there (I mean in Nantes). There are
several nice clubs (small but lifefull) to play and i can give you some
adresses if you want...

I apologize for my poor english speaking and i hope to hear from you soon

best regards (i know more friendly ones but in french...)
