The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy :
Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 31 May 95 14:49:59 +0200
From: John Devitofranceschi <john_devitofranceschi[at]>
Subject: Sixteen Years
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Date: Wed, 31 May 95 14:49:59 +0200
From: John Devitofranceschi <john_devitofranceschi[at]>
Subject: Sixteen Years
does anyone know where I can get a copy of the 'Sixteen Years' CD-single?
I finally managed to get a hold of "Illuminate" (two months and three cites
late...I got mine at an Olsson's in Washington DC, along with two Neu! re-issues.
All in all, a very yummy day)
Any help appreciated.