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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 22:11:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: river[at] (River)
Subject: Cute Submarines

> Mike Egli wrote:
> >
> > Okay, heard a lot of comments about Cute Submarine's, here's a interesting fact
> > about the lyric
> >
> > "Here come the girls with the candles on their heads."
> >
> > Apparently when they were working on the song someone in the band, (I apologize
> > for not remembering who it was) said that it sounded like ABBA (I don't hear it
> > but I guess they did). There is a Swedish holiday of some sort or another
> > (maybe someone can fill us in on what it is and it's significance) where girls
> > walk around with candles on their head. Sounds dangerous to me, don't use too
> > much hairspray during that holiday. Anyway ABBA being Swedish and all ...
> > that's where the line came from.
> >
I think that's called the Feast of St. Lucia. The girls wear white
dresses and wreaths (halos?) of candles on their heads. It's near
Christmas time. On first read, though, the lyrics bring to mind a silly
image of one big candle jutting out of a wee lass's head.

The act is beautiful if it provokes, and in our hearts reveals, song.
* - Jean Genet