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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Sun, 14 May 1995 15:07:35 -0400
From: Breakneck[at]
Subject: CD Bar

Thanks to whomever left the helpful hint on CD Bar in Toronto.
* Unfortunately, I was just in Toronto (before the message) and didn't find
this store, although I did get "Spooky," which I'm quite enjoying.

FORTUNATELY, I called them up and they're sending me "Illuminate"! Yeah! (I
feel like the last person in the world to get this CD.)

By the way, a quick "12-step" introduction... I started listening to the JB
around 1987. "Bloody Nonsense" and "Distressed Gentlefolk" were the fist
albums I heard, and will forever be among my favorite. I'd have to say that
"Condition Blue" is my favorite of the more recent ones.

I've seen Pat play five times, including twice in Bristol, Eng. (where
I was the only American, yet alone girl, slam dancing--I'd like to think I
was the inspiration for "She's on Drugs," but, alas, I'll never be "far too
thin and beautiful as sin"!), and a great show at the Paradise in Boston,
where I went back stage, got Pat's autograph, and had a nice little chat with
Paul Mulreany (nice guy!).

