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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 3 May 1995 13:17:48 +0200
From: Per.Stam[at] (Per Stam)
Subject: quinn and collins again

A quick answer to Andrew McDonald <ALDVAM0[at]-remove-NUACVM.ACNS.NWU.EDU>, who
wondered why Q&C were lumped together and why Pat Fish (or the person
complaining in song) didn't care.

I think the answers are quite simple:
Q&C were hot in magazines in 1984-85 i Britain, having collaborated on
Orange Juice records earlier, but now recording a (rumoured) album
together. Well the album was never to be seen (although Postcard Records
and Alan Horne do speak about it in cat-a-logues sometimes now), only the
Q&C single Pale Blue Eyes and Qs Collins-written and Collins-produced Ain't
that always the way (a classic).

Why shouldn't he care? Because he only likes to drink and don't like
magazines (where Q&P were interviewed etc)...

* ________________________________________________________________________

* NOW i've read David Ws message that says that Pat doesn't have
anything against Q&P. Well that was nice to hear, and is in line with what
i've written above, i think.

* About the Punk Rock Hotel movie: I don't think it ever was shown,
maybe only a sign under which diverse recordings could be made at

* TWO last words: Paul Quinns solo-albums from 92 and 94 are quite
good, especially the Collins-produced from 92. Edwyn Collins last album is
a smashhit.