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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 13:47:25 GMT
From: "Cliff Lovelock" <CLIFF[at]>
Subject: The new album!

Dear All,

I bought 'The Scotsperson' today by accident (well not completely - I wanted
something to read while the snow thawed before I could go out and hammer at
some rocks - as is my wont - however, the snow just got thicker and thicker, and
my thoughts turned to... but that's another story) and was utterly gobsmacked
to find the following review:

The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy: Illuminate (Creation).

The difficult tenth album from one of British pop's great lost eccentrics. Jazz
Butcher albums consist of two or three guaranteed drop-dead moments of
brilliance and a lot of amiable whimsy. 'Illuminate' doesn't break the mould
and the glorious 'Cute Submarines', the deliciously catchy paean to art-rock
'When Eno Sings', and the heartfelt Jurassic Park as Utopia of 'Land' are
essential additions to the great Jazz Butcher compilation in the sky. The rest
is just silly, indulgent or leadenly political. lacking the JBC gift of
pop-irony. True converts are encouraged to investigate 1988's wonderful
'Fishcoteque'.***(Okay) Tom Lappin.

On the subject of the new single, which I have heard emanating from behind Ed's
door, I like it. (Message to Joe) Privatisation has bled this country dry of what now appears to
be it's leading assets, you don't have to be a Communist to feel ripped off by
the Tories, you just have to have lived hear for the past 16 years.

Love to all,


"...and people wonder where the fucking money's gone."

Cliff Lovelock (PG)

Dept. Geology & Geophysics
University of Edinburgh
Scotland, UK.