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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 00:42:22 -0500
From: Chris Camfield <ccamfiel[at]>
Subject: more shirts?

Hi everyone --

I've gotten a few new queries about the JBC shirts in the past little
while, and combined with other people and maybe a few new orders if
this message tweaks anyone's interest, I think that might be enough
to do another order of shirts. I figure what with a new tour HOPEFULLY
this summer, in not too long no one will want this design of shirt any
more. (Oops, did I just shoot the chances of getting new interest?)
So maybe this and then close the books on the shirts for good.

For anyone who has joined the list before the shirts, they were put
together by myself with input from all and sundry, and have a picture
of Pat and co from a year ago on the front, with "the jazz butcher
conspiracy" on the front, and "electrical sounds" on the back, all in
the same font as the band name from Waiting For the Love Bus. There's
information on it at the WWW page, or you can contact me for more

Since this time around we shouldn't I guess have to send Pat any shirts,
but the order size will be smaller, I think the price would be about the
same, which was around $10 Can plus shipping. If you want one of these
shirts, another shirt, or maybe if a friend wants one, let me know. If
I get a total interest of about a dozen shirts then this should be a go.

Get this far? Good. Anyone want to speculate on what "The Word I Was
Looking For" is/was? That is, what word? Maybe I'm obtuse not to have
seen it before, and everyone else has, but my personal guess is "avalanche",
since Pat shouts it out during the song on _BPSP_, and it would fit with
theme of the song I think. (An avalanche of words!) Comments?


PS For anyone worried that I'm making money on this... I don't have a
clue. My record-keeping from last time was poor, and I have long since
resolved to buy Pat some beers if/when I get the chance, to make up for
any money I might have made. The music's the thing...

Christopher Camfield "If I was after the Ring, I could have it -
ccamfiel[at] NOW!... But I am the real Strider, fortunately...
1996 BMath CS/C&O I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and if by life or
1998 BA Classical Studies death I can save you, I will." (JRRT, _TFOTR_)