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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1995
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Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 10:28:46 GMT
From: joen[at]-remove-sco.COM
Subject: shock of the jocks

> Radio One Play Jazz Butcher Record Shock: last night at approx. 19:36
> local time, on Britain's "number one music station" (their phrase not
> mine) Steve Lamacq and Jo Wiley actually gave actual airtime to "Girl Go",
> and even if Lamacq did start speaking over those last few delicious
> seconds of it, and even if it was played in their "Could have been bigger
> than the Beatles" slot (which suggests that the JBC exist in the past
> tense), this has to be reckoned a big improvement on previous UK media
> neglect. Whatever next? Airtime for "16 years"? Nice remarks in the
> NME? Flying pigs?

I heard it and I was shocked. I think it is the first time I have
heard the JBC on the radio in England! Steve Lamacq (is it really
spelt like that!) mentioned that the JBC will be appearing on a soon
to be released compilation from Creation. Can remember the name - I
was in a state of shock :-)

