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Date: Sun, 24 Jul 94 11:37:37 BST
From: Jim.Davies[at]-remove-comlab.ox.ac.uk
Subject: Shirts
I understand completely. It's a weird thing, typography, but once
you've seen how it really is, there's nothgin you can do but speak up.
uh-huh, and here's my last message to the list, which seems to have
It's about shirts.
(that's just the name of the shop. sir)
Shirts: your mother is right. I wish that I had parents whose advice
upon matters of taste was anything other than something to
avoid... but hey, that's my problem... :*)
Text: how about `The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy' on the front (not too
large, not too offensive, same font as the album cover,
possibly `J.B.C.' instead if you like) ???
and on the back... `Waiting for the Love Bus', arranged
appropriately (same font as album, again... if you go for
anything psychedelic then it could look stupid or brilliant,
difficult to say)
whoever made the point about `Excellent!' was quite right...
I hadn't thought of that.... nice one... etc. let's not and
say we did.
Picture: front only, as suggested.