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Date: Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:31:06 -0500
From: bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.freenet.edu (Tim Connors)
Subject: JBC Available in US
In response to Chris Camfield's query re US availability of
Love Bus: The wait is over. I picked it up Tuesday Mar 22d
which I believe is the first day it was available in the US.
If, as is likely, your store hasn't got it, have them special
order it. As you probably know, the full title is "Waiting
for the Love Bus" and the artist is The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy,
rather than just the Jazz Butcher. That may be important if you
ask a clerk to look it up on their computer and they're too
stupid to look down at the next item on the screen. (This nearly
happened to me: "nope, no such album under The Jazz Butcher...
oh, waitaminit, here it is under The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy...")
It's on Creation/Tri-Star Music. It's manufactured by Sony and
distributed by Relativity Entertainment Distribution.
I'll post some opinion after I've had more time to digest it.
Oh yes, the number is WK57563, if that helps anyone oreder it.
Good luck!
TJC "Surprisingly tasty..."
The Jazz Butcher ("JB v. Prime Minister")
Internet: bj835[at]-remove-cleveland.freenet.edu