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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1992
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Date: Mon, 1 Jun 92 23:22:07 -0700
From: Robert Eggersgluss <fredd[at]>
Subject: Jazz Butcher

I'm the Butcher fiend who emailed you a couple of months ago.
I finallysaw him in concert two days ago, which was simply amazing.
My friend and I talked to him for about fifteen minutes before the concert.
I'm kicking myself for not going to Music Millenium because he played for
about an hour-stuff like Love Kittens and other old stuff.
I rate this conert much better than the previous tour (Cult of the Basement),
even though he played a lot of songs from CotB. Speaking of last years tour,
the Butcher only netted about 300 bucks for the five week tour.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
Robert (fredd[at]