The Jazz Butcher
The Jazz Butcher Lyrics Whitfield, Sarah & The Birchfield Road Affair


Whitfield, Sarah & The Birchfield Road Affair
Turned on the television at half-past 9 in the evening
And he didn't see nothing at all
Asked himself:
`If there's a God how come there's so much suffering going on?'
And the answer was nothing at all
Spend a little time in the kitchen making up a sandwich
And he never got to eat it at all
Thought about the sandwich,
Thought about the T.V. and thought about his relatives
And he never thought about nothing at all

Sarah lived the other side of town
In a white shirt in the old flat that the landlord used
To make a little extra money
She'd get home from work in the evening,
Turn on the T.V. 'bout 6PM and she
Ha! She saw nothing at all
Used to read it in the evening paper
Where to go to meet friends in a strange town
But she never did nothing at all

Round about the time that Whitfield thought about his relatives,
Sarah took a big decision and it
Led her to nowhere at all

That's the way

So they met on a tuesday evening just by chance
Thought that maybe it'd fall
Life where we live doesn't ever happen that way
Well guess what? It was nothing at all
Whitfield asked himself:
"Why couldn't we talk about something important"
But they talked about nothing at all
Sarah got a cab home,
The cab driver got a little lazy and he missed his way
You know there was very nearly nothing at all
There ya go now

It's a song about nothing at all (x2)
I made it up and there isn't much at all
Two people, learned nothing at all

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Buy These Records
Spooky EP
Thanks for the money. We'll be spending it on weapons and drugs. The first thing that you have to understand about this disc is that it is not an L.P.: it is a single and a radio session nailed together for your amusement.
[Spooky EP cover thumbnail]
Brave New Waves Session
The Jazz Butcher’s Brave New Waves session was recorded on June 5th, 1988 in CBC Studio 13 in Montreal. The recording is taken from CBC Archives reels and remastered at Grey Market Mastering in Montreal, by Harris Newman.
Purchase Now
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[Brave New Waves Session cover thumbnail]
Artoffact Records LP,CD

Pat Says

The Butcher Says..
I used to live in Birchfield Road
Mulreany soirs me up, giggles, and points out that the chords to Whitfield, Sarah & The Birchfield Road Affair would be quite at home in the epicene Steve Miller's Take The Money And Run. He's right, of course, but then we never get to hear records like that in my town. As it goes, neither Whitfield or Sarah ever lived in Birchfield Road, but I did, so I know what I'm talking about. Those upset by Sarah's gratuitous demise towards the end of this unpleasant little narrative will be relieved to learn that she re-appears, alive & well, albeit with a change of name, in the story An Idea Of Europe, gathering dust in a bookstore near you some time in the next ten years. (The white shirt is important.) Source: Spooky liner notes

Live Stats

1 documented performances (click to explore)
1988 1 (JBC)