It now looks more likely than ever that A Scandal In Bohemia and Sex And Travel, at least, will appear this year, most probably on FIRE RECORDS (21a Maury Road, London N16 7BP) in the U.K. and RESTLESS RECORDS (1616 Vista Del Mar Ave, Hollywood CA) in the States. We are almost at an agreement, I think. More news as it comes up.
Coming Soon
U.S./Canadian tour news: we don't know anything yet, but the wheels of industry have been set in motion, so we should have something for you in a few weeks.The Glass re-issues: Again, the process has been set in motion, but again it's going to take some time, as we are taking great care not to be stitched up by any record companies this time. We'll be having a meeting shortly, and will report to you soonish.
New JBC live activities includes a trip to Belgium at the end of April, a date in Lincoln in May, and a brief European tour at the start of July.
A new touring line-up? Not impossible. More news as and when it solidifies.
Dooj Wilkinson hacked to death in the streets by crazed Christian fundamentalists? No, actually. Not yet, anyway.