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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1993
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Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 12:57:03 -0500
From: del[at] (de l`abattoir)
Subject: rarities

> 1990 LP 12" CREATION CRE083T We Love You

this could be a monster, couldnt it?

> Let's not forget "The biggest Loudest Heaviest Group of all"

as far as i know, this is only available on that 1989
chicago show tape, right? (alright, also from a 92radio session).
lovely cover tune - from a show that was just one of *those* nights.

there could probably be half-a tape just of covers from live
shows, as they have 3 or 4 new ones each tour.
king of joy, skinheads, over the rainbow, tugboat captain,
everybodys talkin, stephanie says, chinese envoy...

for now, though, i am just going to dump the vinyl to DAT and sort
out the rarities from the frequently-heard-on-casey-casem tunes later.

we ride the soul train, just like the brothers - momus