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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1993
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Date: Tue, 7 Sep 93 12:23:33 -0500
From: del (de l`abattoir)
Subject: Fish Artwork (uuencoded GIF's)

uploaded to, currently in the
<a href="gopher://">/pub/incoming/pictures/jazz.butcher directory</a>:

90193 Sep 7 12:17 <a href="">advert.jpg</a>
* 140 Sep 7 12:17 advert.txt

* > a special message from the jazz butcher who is
* > looking for some bootleg recordings of his own shows.

58347 Sep 7 12:18 <a href="">jbc3.jpg</a>
* 342 Sep 7 12:18 jbc3.txt

* > 23 Feb 93 - It's carnival night in Breda, Holland.