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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1993
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Date: Mon, 30 Aug 93 22:01:13 GMT
From: Drew Lettington <drew[at]-remove-npg-sd.sandiegoca.NCR.COM>
Subject: What's Up With Pat

> pat is on a plane heading for L.A. to do US promotion
> for the new album. he and alan mcgee will be doing radio
> spots with deirdra of "91X" (KCRW?) in san diego and L.A.
> any chance you guys out there can try to document them?

* Dierdra O'Donahue does a show in Santa Monica on the PBS
station KCRW called SNAP. She also does a show on 91X in
San Diego called Snap Judgements. KCRW is out of my range,
but I did tape the 91X show. I'll have a set list for you
tomorrow but he played a few solo accoustic live numbers
and they played a few album cuts. Also on the 91X show was
Guy Chadwick from the House of Love.

* If Pat was on KCRW also, he probably played more as they
don't have to play commercials.

* After the radio show, he played a free concert at a coffee
house in La Jolla called DisCafe which I was unable to
attend. :-(

* If people want tapes, please send be mail. I'd prefer to
trade but if anyone doesn't have anything to trade we can
work something out.

> the guy who did
> "women on the verge of a nervous breakdown".
> "shes on drugs" get played during a scene.

* His name is Almodovar.

> does anyone have comments of (or have) the new album?

* I'm still looking. From what I've heard of it so far live
and from the album I'm really looking forward to it.

- drew

* Drew.Lettington[at] | Binky's fomenting worker
* Drew T. Lettington | dissatisfaction again, sir.
* NCR - ADE San Diego |