The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1991
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Date: Fri, 6 Dec 91 15:49:29 -0800
From: frendli[at]-remove-cats.UCSC.EDU
Subject: coupla things...

it seems that since bpsp i've been saying oh well, wait for the next one. NO.
i am determined to like this one. I have noticed something about record buying,
and that's that if you are anticipating a new album, it never lives up to your
expectations. The best ones are the ones that you hear here and there until
they grow on you, even if it's a band you already love.
* Sooo.... i'm not going to buy it anytime soon (i have no choice, i can't
FIND it anywhere), and when i do, i'll be really nice to it, maybe chat with it
over a cold one, pass no judgements.. etc.

The other thing... I'm here in the SantaCruz area, and last night at a local
21and over place there were two bands (neither headlining) playing.
They were called 'The Butchers' and 'The Best Kissers in the World'. I think
the other band was called 'urj'. Anyone ever hear of them before? I didn't get
down to see the show, though i was very curious.


"don't smoke no reefer, don't take no pills..."