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Date: Mon, 13 Aug 1990 15:34:19 EDT
From: Nancy Everson <everson[at]-remove-BBN.COM>
Subject: JBC

Hi del,

Chris Woodward at Wake Forest is the person from other-voices asking
about the JBC. I have pointed him/her (I'm not sure which, but I
think Chris is a him) your way. He bought "cult of the basement",
thinks it's really great, and is going to start looking for older

I like the new album too, but not as whole-heartedly as earlier (e.g.,
Sex & Travel/Scandal in Bohemia) albums. "She's on Drugs" is a really
catchy song, and I think it'd be a great single. "Mr. Odd" just
wasn't as good as it was live last year, but it's still great. I've
got the college station I listen to to play "Panic in Room 109" even
though it has a "bad" word in the middle. I like that song a lot too.

A Cure-friend of mine in London (a *real* pen-pal, as opposed to an
email pen-pal) finally heard her first JBC song - she saw the video
for "Girl-Go". She liked it a lot, and remarked that they were "very
Cure-like". Yeah, that puzzled me too.... Since I've run out of Cure
things to send her, I think I'll send her a JBC sampler tape as well
as a live tape from last year's tour (any opinions on which one to
send her?).

back to the salt mines,