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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1990
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Date: Mon, 23 Jul 1990 9:55:38 MET DST
From: vmars!alex[at] (Alexander Vrchoticky)
Subject: Wow!

> but i open up the inner case and the b&w photo of laurence inside looks
> *very* familiar. hmmmmmm. photo credit: david whittemore.
> HEY! thats ME!

Wow! So it's true you're going to be the exclusive
photographer for the Rolling Stones next year 8-}
Now you're going to be rich and famous :-)
That's great. When I get the album I'll show it around
`See, he's the man I met in the US. And he still is a normal person.
* Stardom didn't change him *a* *bit*'


