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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 1990
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Date: Fri, 5 Jan 1990 14:17:44 -0500
From: del[at] (del Amitri)
Subject: Jazz Butcher / Skinny Puppy link, mason jones address

(responding to davisonj[at]
the jazz butcher was slagging off of skinny puppy in the song
_sex engine_ which is available on the canadian import cd of _spooky_ (1988).
in that song (and live), the butcher throws out preposterous persons or
things and then calls them a "sex engine" as a way of ridiculing said persons.
he also names brian mulrouney (spelling? the canadian prime minister), members
of the band, daffy duck, etc. stupid. but you get the idea.
so there really is no "skinny puppy" link, other than he probably had heard
enough skinny puppy shtick and wanted to whap them.

"they give you the sex engine 'til you dont want any more" - pat fish