The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Saturday, October 25th 2014 6:00pm 1414260000 (10 years 142 days ago)
Venue: Club 251 (Website)
Location: Shimokitazawa Tokyo Japan 155-0032
Admission: 6,300 Yen
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
📷 Photos
Credit: Yuko
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As you see, the riverboat gamblers have dropped all pretence of being anything other than crazed hooligans aflame with the urge to filthy lucre.
They also appear to have kidnapped Izumi and force-fed her a decent chunk of Stockholm Syndrome Cake.
Me and Pete Astor photographed in the street by a Pete Astor fan who was literally shaking with excitement, bless him. - I think he thought I was Pete's bodyguard!
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A couple of shots of Bid from the Monochrome Set having a wee jam with me at the soundcheck at Club 251. For what it's worth, he pays lead rather like a certain Max Eider...

Credit: Keiko


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