The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Friday, September 7th 2012 7:30pm 1347046200 (12 years 205 days ago)
Venue: The Picturedome
Location: Kettering Road Northampton England
Admission: £2:50
[poster for XX]



The Wilson DVD, entitled No Known Predators, is to be released on Friday 7th September 2012.

To celebrate, Wilson will be reforming for a special one-off show at The Picturedrome, Kettering Road, Northampton NN1 on Friday 7th September 2012.

Tickets for the event cost £2:50, exactly the same as at Wilson's very first show in March 2001.

The DVD will be available to buy at the Picturedrome show.

Credit: pat

♥ Reviews

Northampton supergroup Wilson (inc' members of: The Jazz Butcher, Stranger Tractors, Sumosonic and others) reformed for the first time in 3 years to play the Picturedrome on Friday, launching their long-anticipated live DVD 'No Known Predators'.

(note couple of demos produced by DRS)

The live DVD is a film of the bands farewell gig at the Picturedrome. A film that was then premiered on the cinema screen of the Picturedrome and there's a possibility that only a technical hitch prevented them performing in front of it at the same venue ... which might have been pushing the fabric of spatial and temporal reality a little too far.

The launch concert was outstanding. The DVD is pretty much the only record of the groups music apart from the mp3's on the website. Should be available to order online soon.

I got chatting to Pat Fish after the gig. He and his missus insisted that Sangelus and I come back to theirs with some other members of the band and their partners for a small after show party, where he treated us to a listen of a mix of a track from the impending new Jazz Butcher album which he'd only received earlier that day ... [fast show voice] which was nice.

We went home a little after 2am ... happily, not in a taxi or disgrace.

Credit: Pursued By Trees 2012-09-09 21:57:00 (Sunday, 9th of September 2012 - 12 years 203 days ago)
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