The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Saturday, March 18th 2006 1142640000 (18 years 332 days ago)
Venue: The Port Mahon
Location: St. Clements Street Oxford England
Admission: £4:00
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )
[poster for XX]



Saturday 18th March
The Port Mahon, St Clements Street, Oxford

£4:00 on the door on the night

Artist Website: Artist Website: Artist Website:

I shall be playing a longer set, involving elements of the acoustic and the digital, possibly even at the same time.
Credit: pat

📝 Pat Says

A nice trip to Oxfodd on Saturday night. Russ Cooper drove us all down there and brought various drums and shakey things with which to accompany me and my big wooden tape-recorder.

We took our time over soundchecking - this time there were even monitors...which was nice. A quick veggie-burger at the Turkish take-away over the street and a little creative paperwork in the carpark, then we were back in the venue with a foming beaker of Budvar, all set to continue the JBC Hardcore's survey of the glorious history of Raplh Coates, surely one of the greatest fag-at-half-time merchants that the game has ever seen.

Upstairs a small crowd had gathered to witness The New Moon unleashing some new tunes in a bass/guitar/tabla formation to a rousing reception. Some classic introductions, too. Anton and Sue delivered a set heavy on the melody and easy on the rambling and then it was our turn. We played the first three tunes acoustic (making a bit of a hash of Charlie Barnard's sublime "Regrets of a Spacemen" by being altogether too heavy-handed) before switching on the BWT for a version of Land off Illuminate which really seemed to fly along rather nicely. "This," I told the small crowd, "is the rhythm I like." I even essayed some Barney Sumner style whoops during Shame About You. Frankly it sounded every bit as daft as when Barney does it. Note to self: pack it in, son. Rein yourself in.

The set was warmly received and - I think - reasonably well played. We had another beer, received handsome payment for our endeavours (thank you) and headed off into the freezing night, bent on return to NN1 so that Russ could finally enjoy a drink. No little confusion was induced a when we discovered that The Authorities had gone and CLOSED THE ROAD TO NORTHAMPTON. We set off on a not so magical mystery tour down tiny roads through dark, deserted woods, found our way somehow to Bicester, then sped the rest of the way home with ease, spotting the foxes raiding the Towcester Little Chef as we went by.
Credit: ;;

🎼 Played

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