The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Friday, April 22nd 2005 10:15pm 1114208100 (19 years 296 days ago)
Venue: The Labour Club (Website)
Location: 95-97 Charles St Northampton England NN1 3BG
Admission: free
⭐ With
Pat Fish Solo ( guitar, vocals )


Another solo gig for me. I'll be playing at the Pulse Festival at Northampton Labour Club on Friday 22nd April 2005. I believe that support is from Robert Bray and Paul Cox. I'll be on about 10:15, I should imagine. It's almost certainly free to get in. You can probably find out more at: Artist Website:
Credit: pat

πŸ“ Pat Says

Pulse Festival Songwriters Night - Friday 22nd April

A good night at Alex Novak's Pulse festival affair at the Labour Club. Alex was upstairs, spinning the records (I swear I heard somebody playing "My Sharona" at one point, but I can only assume that the upstairs area had by then been invaded by liquored-up young Republicans or something), while downstairs you had your songwriters. John Novak started up, ably backed by Paul Cox and Andy Denton. They did "Hot Love"! Then Paul did a solo set, his best yet. He's getting louder, which is a good thing. I had one of those nights where it felt as though I wasn't getting the sound right at all. Of course, everybody came up afterwards and mentioned what a good sound I had had tonight. So there you go. It seemed to go down fairly well, after all.

Back to Shakespeare Villas, where we were joined by Curtis and Andy Skank for an in-depth examination of the early career of the new Pontiff, so memorably described by the Italian Communist Party newspaper as "Il Pastore Tedescho" - "The German Shepherd".
Credit: ;;

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Vicious (Lou Reed)
2. Shame About You
3. Shakey
4. Ghosts
5. Radio Saigon
6. Weed Smoker's Dream (Trad? I know the version by the Harlem Hamfats, myself)
7. Trans Novak Express
8. Woke up This Morning (Alabama 3)
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