The Jazz Butcher
Saturday, September 6th
(21 years 209 days ago)
Venue: County Cricket Ground
Event: Tom Hall Memorial
Location: Wantage Road Northampton England NN1
Telephone: 07760177381
Admission: free
Venue: County Cricket Ground
Event: Tom Hall Memorial
Location: Wantage Road Northampton England NN1
Telephone: 07760177381
Admission: free
Pat Fish
π Pat Says
Well, Tom Hall's memorial event went off massive style. Estimates of the numbers range from 300 to 500. I reckon it
was nearer the latter. It was a big room and it was heaving. It was so crowded that we spent a considerable amount of
time out on the terrace, watching through the huge cricket pavilion windows.The evening started with an oration from
Alan Moore before settling into an unending parade of talent, including Curtis, Sue Figueroa, Accrington Stanley,
assorted Bareback Ryders and Ratcliffe Stouts, the Strung Out Sisters and Tom's son Will, who turned in some great
versions. I got to sing John The Road and Kissing & Killing, the latter a right royal rave-up. When there were no more
songs to sing Stevie Ward let the tape player rip so that we could all do stoopit wee dances to Tom and Guy's deranged
live version of Volga Olga. We signed the guest book and headed off to party all night. On the way home I ran into a
man who had come from Australia!
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