Venue: The Racehorse
Location: 15 Abington Square Northampton England NN1
Telephone: 01604 604313
Admission: free
Star Wars day, apparently...will Steve really dress up as a wookie? Where do you get that kind of gear? Russ suggested renting him a bear suit and throwing him to some dogs. He'd probably end up making the right sort of noises, at least.
update Wilson go E-Bay. While Headstone pursues a match-worn Tottenham shirt bearing the legend 16 - WILSON on the back, Stevie G is seeking a reasonably-priced Wookie suit. Worse, Agent Cooper has found him one. In Canada.
Johnny P has signed up to do the lights for the Racehorse on May 4th., delighting us all. Movies, the lot.
📝 Pat Says
Steve wore the wookie suit. And Russ wore the Darth Vader outfit, yes, even the helmet. I couldn't believe how long he managed to keep it on! Bot was Han Solo, re-interpreted as some manner of post-Cobain existentialist interplanetary hooligan outlaw. Mister E. Wilson and Headstone came out dresed in full-on monk outfits, Headstone allegedly "The Emperor". I'm quite surprised that emperors don't get to wear clothes with a bit better visibility. Perhaps they have underlings to be their eyes and ears. Misery stole the entire show, interplanetarily chic in her Star Trek uniform. Johhny P projected all manner of outer space stuff across the stage, the music was loud, the house rammed. People fell over. Bot fell over. Long after the rest of us had left the stage, he could still be heard - from no small distance - ranting at the bewildered punters.
Top night out all round. Many thanks in particular to Johnny P for his amazing lights, and to
Steve Ward for top PA.
Our gratitude also to Skinner and to The Lodge for supplying essential bits and pieces at no
notice whatsoever. Cheers, folks!
We don't know where or when our next show will be. But, rest assured, there will be one soon.
Watch this space.
🎼 Played
- 1. Police Chief
- 2. Istanbul Connection
- 3. Play It All Night Long (Warren Zevon)
- 4. Critters
- 5. Every Saturday Night
- 6. Hippy Shit
- 7. Dark Agenda
- 8. Quality People
- 9. Buffalo Sniper
- 10. Yellow Pages
- 11. Burn, Hollywood, Burn