The Jazz Butcher
Wednesday, June 1st
(30 years 309 days ago)
Venue: The Sound Shaft
Location: London England
Admission: £5:00
Venue: The Sound Shaft
Location: London England
Admission: £5:00
⭐ With
DJ Tata
Pete Wiggs
( St Etienne
DAT Room, Quality: 8 (out of 10), Performance: A-, Interest: 8 (out of 10)
📷 Photos
Michael Horton-Jupiter meets The Black Eg
Credit: wonderbat9 2022-07-14 (Thursday, 14th of July 2022 - 2 years 259 days ago)
📝 Pat Says
Von Dämmerung
brothers make their "first and only debut"
at London's Subliminal Revolutions club in the summer of 1994.
3 Incredibly long assults, recorded so dubiously that you can't hear
Karel Von Dämmerung
's wheelchair as it trundles past.
(Thursday, 14th of July 2022 -
2 years 259 days ago)
♥ Reviews
I found the live show very impressive, if perhaps a little samey after a while.Credit: Sydney Meats 2022-07-14 (Thursday, 14th of July 2022 - 2 years 259 days ago)
the biggest disappointment was that they actually tried to make it kinda dancy and they didn't try and repeat the Black Eg album tracks. I would have gladly paid twice as much to see the genuine, original Eg material rather than what turned out to be a mediocre techno attempt by people wearing silly egg hats.Credit: Ed Carter 2022-07-14
depending what you were expecting, this was either boring, or interesting. the beats were just slightly less white-boy than from, say, the JBC tune Line Of Death , but it was the right tempo to dance to. the best part was what was done over the top of the beats. the interplay between the synth and the guitar was good. even though the dancers would have moved to nearly anything.Credit: David Whittemore 2022-07-14 (Thursday, 14th of July 2022 - 2 years 259 days ago)
🎼 Played
Set 1
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