Venue: Cafe Des Grandes Places
Location: Fribourg Switzerland
📝 Pat Says
This was always going to be a weird one. Rather than put up
with a day off in a expensive Switzerland, we had accepted the
offer of an "unplugged" show (no, don't laugh...) What we
hadn't been warned about was the owner of the club, a genial
Moroccan called Samba (!), who acts as if he is angling for the
job of Radio 1 DJ, or Ibiza party host. In between trying to calm
Samba down and get him to do his job, not ours, and avoiding
slow poisoning from the world's most lard-infested "mushroom
pate", we do, in fact, assemble a rather splendid JBC Acoustic
Soul Revue. Curtis opened up, playing his own numbers and a
couple of blues classics. Michael then delivered half a dozen
songs from his wonderful Spittle Rattle repertoire before the
JBC took over, doing two band sets sandwiched around a bunch
of solo numbers from the big fella. All in all we delivered about
three hours of non-stop music to an appreciative house. Fashion
note: Nick's shameless appropriation of Alpine styles were
regarded as a major JBC sartorial breakthrough, and would later
win him the Best Dressed Man Of The Tour award.