The Jazz Butcher
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Live Performance


Date: Friday, February 18th 1994 761529600 (31 years 47 days ago)
Venue: Odd Balls
Location: Dordrecht South Holland Netherlands
Pat Fish ( guitar, vocals ) , Dooj Wilkinson ( bass ) , Nick Burson ( drums ) , Curtis E. Johnson

📝 Pat Says

The Butcher reviews the tour.

Paris was, officially, the last date of the tour, but we were having too much fun to stop there, so we'd asked Marthy to sort us out a couple of little bar concerts in Holland. This one was notable for three things: we finally found some food in Holland (very nice, too!); the audience, when we began, was 801000001lack; and Curtis, having delivered a wildly stoned opening set, managed a more than respectable impersonation of Michael Schenker during Zombie Love . We played for hours and hours, doing covers that included the Spacemen 3's Walking With Jesus and the best-ever version of Part Time Punks. It all went down very well, so once again we partied hard. So hard, in fact, that I think it rather alarmed our Dutch hosts. I don't think they believed we had it in us. Well, now they know!
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