Venue: Arge Nonntal
Location: Salzburg Austria
📝 Pat Says
Pete, acting on an internal agenda that has led him to drink solidly
for 72 hours, disappears in the middle of the night to devote his
time to serving drinks on British Airways.
"A little twist with that?" JBC are expected in Salzburg,
so we drive. It also appears that the love bus is ready to expire
at any moment, so will fill the tank with the engine running.
Somewhere on the way I am seized of a powerful idea and make a
phone call.
We arrive after hours of anxious
bus stuff and full scale Alpine blizzard.
There isn't much time for a soundcheck. I just turn up the
Telecaster and hope for the best. 200 people, a nervy beginning.
It ended up well. "You don't need another guitarist" says the
promoter. Smiling, I make another phone call. Promoter buys us all
an elaborate dinner. Tony considers sloshing him.