The Jazz Butcher
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Date: Tuesday, September 15th 1992 716515200 (32 years 152 days ago)
Venue: Peter Murphy (demo tape)
Location: Northampton England
Quality: 7 (out of 10), Performance: B, Interest: B (out of 10), Generation: 1
📷 Photos
19920915_blackeg_cover 19920915_blackeg_inside 19920915_blackeg_a
Credit: David Whittemore

🎼 Played

Set 1
1. Do Ya Wanna? Black Eg demo
2. Our Friends The Filth Black Eg demo
3. Coney Island Nightmare Black Eg demo
4. Ezcsta Black Eg demo
5. L.A. Stories gameboy mix
6. The Hypnotic Eye Black Eg demo
7. L.A. Stories metal mix
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