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Re: "similar artists"

From: <>
Date: Mon 22 Sep 2003 - 09:41:52 PDT

Thats an interesting subject. One, I was not aware of to many others knowing about the Color Blind James Experience. Two, I completely agree that they are similar to Jazz Butcher. Both bands have a sense of humor but can also be sweetly deep. Its the old laugh and cry situation. Jonathan Richman has it, Weird Al does not. Thats right I referenced Weird Al on the Jazz Butcher site.  I have styled my band The Zambonis after all these seriously funny bands. Dan Hicks is another example of a guy who can be hilarious yet write a song like "I Scare Myself". Its a very hard, fine line to skate. You always risk the novelty band thing or the "they are to quirky" bit but, bottom line is, The Color Blind James Experience recordings are truly a unique, fun and beautiful experience. NO BULLSHIT. Please seek them out or notify me if you cannot find some of their stuff. I am strictly a fan. Unfortunately, the lead guy Chuck (Colorblind James) passed away about 2 years ago. Good Luck, Dave "Zamboni" Schneider
Ps Anyone have a nice indie label that wants to put out our next cd? We sell cds.

In a message dated 9/22/2003 11:47:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Subj: "similar artists"
> Date: 9/22/2003 11:47:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time
> From: <A HREF=""></A>
> To: <A HREF=""></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> on an unrelated note, I put my (legitimate,
> of course) copy of illuminate into the PC
> today and fired up windows media player -
> throwing caution to the winds, i've got the
> damn thing up and running so it checks the CD
> id against some database somewhere. probably
> keeping track of my listening habits at the
> same time.
> anyway, the usual result: loads of cross
> sell and stuff you don't want to know...
> but it's nice to see that the CD is
> recognised and that he's got a biography.
> and someone could make a very philosophical
> point about the fact that "collaborators"
> seem to outnumber "similar artists" by two-
> to-one I guess, but I'm not going to.
> but the one that really puzzled me was in
> the small list of "similar artists", amongst
> the usual blue aeroplanes and so on, was
> The Colorblind James Experience
> ?
> Now, I've really only got two claims to
> fame. One is repeatedly drinking too much
> and blethering nonsense at pat, who nods
> patiently, the other is coming across
> Colorblind James busking on a street
> corner at the Rochester Jam Festival
> (or similar) once a long time ago. But
> that's probably getting off topic.
> Does anyone else consider there to
> be deep similarities between the two that
> I'm somehow missing? Are we all on the
> colorblind james list as well, but under
> different pseudonyms? Because I couldn't
> really file them together under any
> single heading except, maybe, "ignored"
> intrigued,
> ed
> --
> ----------------------------------------
> Ed Carter, Dowcarter
> 19 Silvermills Court, Edinburgh EH3 5DG
> T: +44 131 556 1172 F: +44 131 557 6944
Received on Mon, 22 Sep 2003 12:41:52 EDT