The Jazz Butcher
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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2003

Re: 3 covers...

From: Gene Solomon <>
Date: Fri 06 Jun 2003 - 09:27:34 PDT

Good lord. Does anyone have a version of Pat doing Another Girl Another Planet?! Hard to see how that wouldn't make the list of best covers.

By the way, if you look up JBC on Amazon it tells you that customers interested in the Jazz Butcher Conspiracy might be interested in the Moon Landing Hoax.


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: 3 covers...
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:28:47 EDT

blimey (quaint English expression much underused in song) everyone's woken up..anyway top 3:
1. Another Girl Another Planet - the finest song ever - saw Pat perform it acoustic once - with the incomparable Dooj on over excitable backing vocals 2. Take the Skinheads Bowling (just got round to seeing - Bowling For Columbine - enjoyed the soundtrack, but boy are there some scarey people about)
3. Sweet Jane

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