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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

Camper Van Beethoven

From: <>
Date: Wed 17 Jul 2002 - 16:38:21 PDT

In a message dated 7/17/2002 2:16:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Subj:Slightly OT
> Date:7/17/2002 2:16:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> From:<A HREF=""></A>
> To:<A HREF=""></A>
> Sent from the Internet
> Anyone going to see Camper Van Beethoven over the next
> two weeks?

Absolutely!!!!! I actually have an extra tickey to the New York show tomorrow night. Anyone interested? Let me know asap. Thanks, Dave "Zamboni" Schneider Received on Wed, 17 Jul 2002 19:38:21 EDT