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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

New Momus

From: Dave Ungar <>
Date: Fri 01 Nov 2002 - 05:11:11 PST

I know there were a few Momus fans on the list, so ..

..Hopefully, this isn't a breach of trust, but -hey- it was posted on the internet by Momus in a semi/quasi public area ...

Sample track:

"Despite the fact that it's the most miserable month of the calendar, and I've had, for various reasons, one of the most miserable years of my adult life, I am this week on a total moonwalking high because I've finished my new album and it sounds just, well, wonderful. And this totally justifies my life.

It isn't at all normal for me to feel this way. When I finish a record I'm usually like 'Meh, it's okay, chuck it out and think about something else'. Things are different this time because I collaborated with a young reproducer from Michigan. His reworkings of my songs are what makes this record sound, I think, unlike anything else out there. I can listen to it as if someone else made it. And yet nobody else could have made it! In between those two facts all my pleasure negotiates. It's like a record I dreamed (I literally did dream one of the songs) then woke up to find actually existed. In the dream, it was like all my old records, but somehow freshened and radicalised by weird splicings, ultra-daring structures, surreal lyrics and melodies. It finds itself at some sort of formalist forefront, which is not where Momus records usually are, but certainly where I want them to be.

What does it sound like? Well, imagine Tom Waits' 'Blood Money' album remixed and restructured by DAT Politics. Or imagine the last Bjork if she'd already been deep inside Matthew Barney's world and had really let Matmos apply the scalpel rather than just tick and tinker at the edges of her sound." Momus 11/1/02

....Personally, I'm not wild about the sample track ...


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