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Re: OK, so, it's Taking Tiger Mountain

From: Knight H. Berman, Jr. <>
Date: Fri 07 Jun 2002 - 21:02:33 PDT

A thing of beauty is a joy Taking Tiger Mountain, Loaded as well; Sterling & Nancy, the Sikkorskis from Hell...

I always thought he said "Sterling & Max & the Sikkorskis from Hell." Anyway, there are 2 records at least....and I agree that a favorite albums entry would be nice. Might give us another avenue for new tunes to hunt down.


  • Doc <> wrote:
    > Hey All
    > It's Friday morning, and I'm listening to "Taking
    > Tiger Mountain By Strategy",
    > one of my fave rekkids.
    > Because I'm mildly hungover and so I can't focus
    > properly on work, I my mind
    > wandered to the photo in the inside sleeve of (I
    > think) "Cake City". The
    > photo's got the JBC circa ninteen eighty something,
    > with a pile of rekkid
    > albums on the floor. "Taking Tiger Mountain" is in
    > that photo, so it's a fair
    > bet that Pat likes that rekkid (well, that and "When
    > Eno Sings" is a bit of a
    > clue as well).
    > Being a geeky guy, that makes me wonder-- what are
    > Pat's favourite rekkids?
    > David? Pat? That'd make a nice little entry on the
    > web page as well.
    > Have a lovely weekend.
    > We are the 801,
    > -Doc
    > =====
    > "I have been a member of the Committe of the MCC and
    > of a Conservative cabinet, and by comparason with
    > the cricketers, the Tories seem like a bunch of
    > Commies." -Viscount Mockton
    > "...He's an eight hundred pound Jesus..." -Paul
    > Thorn
    > __________________________________________________
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the marble tea webthing

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