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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

Re: Conditioning

From: Dave Ungar <>
Date: Wed 20 Mar 2002 - 10:09:41 PST

>Now, everyone, let's list the hundred favorite JBC songs ever. In order!

Gawd, I hope not. I can't stand the thought of all that mail.... But I'll start it... I nominate as choice #1: ...(I'll bet you thought it was going to be 'Water' didn't you?)... Girlfriend. Every day that song grows on me a little more. Funny, because I never was that wild about it until a few years ago (which means I can stand it. somehow it seems like that allusion had to be made here - don't know why.)

I went to see Daniel Ash in Chicago over the weekend. (Surprisingly good, too.) The sound guy played "The Devil is My Friend" before the show. There was audible muttering when the Love & Rockets verse came on.

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 12:44:53  
 VerveNet wrote:

>Wait a minute. Everyone knows Condition Blue's "Harlan" is the second best
>song Pat ever wrote (right behind "Soul Happy Hour"). That alone gives
>Condition Blue some pull.
>Now listen: This is not a topic for discussion, it's a proven fact and
>everybody knows it. You people always make the mistake that there are
>subjective tastes at work here -- "opinions." What balderdash!
>Now, everyone, let's list the hundred favorite JBC songs ever. In order!
2,000,000,000 Web Pages--you only need 1. Save time with My Lycos.
Received on Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:09:41 -0500