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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

JBC Tribute CD / Mr Odd

From: Syd Meats <>
Date: Wed 23 Jan 2002 - 05:29:17 PST

Those of you who have the tribute CD will have already heard this, but for those who haven't I'm making the mp3 of myself and Johnny Jet doing "Mr Odd" available to the public for the first time.

I'm wondering if some kind person could help me. Neither myself nor co-collaborator Johnny Jet have a copy of the tribute CD. Due to a very hectic 18 months involving 2 house moves and other life events I did not find time to participate in the CD duplication tree.

If someone (a UK resident would be easiest) is able to send me a couple of copies of the CD, I will me more than happy to reimburse the cost of duplication and postage.

Thanks in advance for help.
Enjoy the mp3


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