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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

Re: [JBC] scandal/sex CD

From: Dave Coverly <>
Date: Wed 10 Apr 2002 - 12:36:20 PDT

>this is a question for those of you who KNOW that you own an original
>copy of the "A Scandal in Bohemia/Sex & Travel" CD.
>i remember this CD (from seeing one pre-1990) as being in a "double thick"
>CD case - and there being TWO CD's.
>is my memory incorrect?
>also - if you have a copy of this disc in front of you, please send me
>a reply with the numbers printed on the inside ring of the CD.

Mine's an original Glass copy, but it's not a double--just one disc, numbers are: GLA CD 009 MPO 02. It was made in France, if that makes a difference. Never seen a double thick version with 2 discs, but that doesn't mean you're incorrect.

Received on Wed, 10 Apr 2002 15:36:20 -0400