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The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy : Mailing List : 2002

[JBC] Wolfgang (fwd)

From: David Whittemore <>
Date: Wed 02 Jan 2002 - 18:16:06 PST

ladies and gentlemen of england and vincinities thereabouts.. you MUST attempt to make the following shows.


	Hope your head doesn't hurt like mine.
	Report on New Year's Eve will follow in about half an hour, I imagine.
	Yeah, soon come.
	Anyways...two more Wolfgang gigs, which you might care to add to the
	never-ending catalogue of weird small-time mental shit that I ask you
	disseminate amongst otherwise right-thinking folk:
	Fri. 11th January - Wolfgang Tschegg at The Brudenell Social Club, Leeds
								Supports: Saab 77, Resin, Midwich
	Sun 13th January - Wolfgang Tschegg at The Black Swan, Newcastle
								Supports: Saab 77, Resin
	And, of course, there's the 12-Bar with me and Max.
	Right, I'll away and try to make sense of what happened on New Year's Eve.
Received on Wed, 2 Jan 2002 18:16:06 -0800 (PST)